Sunday, November 15, 2009


When I started this little project some months ago, the initial hope was that it would be a way to communicate with friends and family that I don't see so often. Then I discovered that, while this may have happened when blogging was new, most of that crew has moved on to Facebook, or the even more frenetic Twitter. Part of the distraction for most of us is the reappearance of the school routine which occurred in late August. No matter how far removed from it you believe you might be, we all still find ourselves overwhelmed with this and that little (or big) thing when the school year is in session.
I very seldom remember my dreams, but last night I had one in which I was asked to return to the preschool classroom for a day or two. Time constructs do warp in dreams of course. All was well until I had a child misbehave and had to correct in the age appropriate, NAEYC-approved lingo. Oops! Two years of being away from the classroom, and my collection of phrases for the occasion had floated into the recesses of the education department of my brain. Was I able to retrieve them on the second try, even in my dream-softened state? Absolutely! However, what an interesting happenstance and wake up call!
I have managed to wander away from the initial question though. Is this really a form of communication, or am I writing only for myself? If that's the case, I might be better off just returning to writing in a blank book. The jury is out....

1 comment:

  1. I, for one, have now gotten myself closer to a "schedule". My life has been up, down, this way, that way, and the other way as of late, and all of this seems to happen in unison at times, and in succession at others. I love the blog. Now that I have an internet connection that is not limited, I will resume my following of your thoughts, as I find them insightful and a pleasure to ingest. They offer me a respite of sorts from my own thoough process, and they allow me to explore new avenues of cognition (oooo that is some schweet vocabulary). I cannot speak for others, but I, for one, truly enjoy the passages I read here at Tunes 'n' Twine and hope that they do not cease to be.
