Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day...

Somewhere in my school-day studies of American history, I learned of the reasons for the observance of Memorial least in a generalized way. And yes, as a working person, it becomes, on the surface, one of those days that we also embrace as a given 3-day weekend. However, this morning, because I did have the morning off, I decided to step back into the history files to revisit the origins of the observance. It was originally a day set aside to decorate the graves of those, on both sides, who had died fighting in the American Civil War -brothers who had fought brothers being mourned together. 20,000 at Arlington Cemetary alone.

I believe that a visit to Arlington Cemetary is something that all Americans should experience - there is nothing that brings home sacrifice more than seeing, on those gently rolling hillsides covering acres and acres and acres, the simple white crosses marking so eloquently the graves of those who have served. No matter what one's political persuasion, this becomes a moment of deep reflection.

For those of us on a faith journey that, on the one hand may recognise the practical "necessities" of war, but on the other hand, trains a heart that pleads for peaceful solutions, this is a time that brings us to our knees with a prayer that expresses gratitude for the lives of these, and all of those across the country and around the world who "rest from their labors" of fighting the battles they were asked to fight.

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