Sunday, June 2, 2013


I've had plenty of reasons over many years to pray, and many of those times, I found myself with no words.  I had to trust that God would sort it all out.  I profess to not knowing how prayer works - but I know that there is a peace that comes from letting God know that you are troubled and seeking comfort and understanding for what is happening around you and to people you love.

One week ago, my youngest son had a diving accident and broke his neck. He walked away from the accident, but was treated immediately afterward - which may easily have saved his life. What is a mom to do but pray from the moment she hears the words, "I've cracked my head open and need stitches."?  And then, upon arrival at the ER, to sit in a room and hear the technician saying "cervical fracture" through the doorway?

Sometimes, there are just no words, and so one delves deep into whatever scripture, hymn verses, and prayers learned as a child seem to pop up.  The Lord's Prayer - the model for all prayer.  One of the first we learn, at least as Christians.  And so, in my case, a week ago, it was the Lord's Prayer - over and over and over again.  And in the wee hours of the morning, in the midst of a crowded Level 1 trauma center on Memorial Day weekend, that prayer was no longer just the words.  It became the song - the famous setting that I have sung for dozens of weddings, and at years worth of communion services as a congregational response.  Why the song?  Because my brain thinks best when it is musically engaged, and in song, the words of that prayer are caressed and loved and extended into more than a prayer.

My son walked away from the ER the next day, with months of healing ahead, but alive.  The prayers will continue.

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