Sunday, June 23, 2013

What to do...

A couple of weeks ago, I was contemplating gently suggesting to whomever in the world might be reading, that I let the blogging world go.  It seemed the right time.  In reviewing the "stats" on my work here, it had been 4 years since I started writing, and I was close to 200 posts.  Then I checked again and discovered that it was actually 188 posts, because there were some drafts that just never found their way to completion.  So, with that, and with my son's accident and all of the uncertainty surrounding it, I just put the decision on the shelf.

That's an odd description of the action, but as appropriate as any.  It's not really a huge, life changing decision, because after all, how many people actually follow my musings?  And at this point, if they have been following, how much more would they learn about me or anything else by reading what I write?

In my digital pictures, I came across this one of a lovely little spot on the grounds of the gardens that somewhat inspired this all in the first place.  We take advantage of so few of these spots in this crazy, distracting world, but they are so perfect for ruminating about decisions.  Perhaps even from our actual perches on the couch, inside and protected from the ghastly heat of the Texas Southeast in the throws of summer, we can imagine sitting here instead, with the peace of nature surrounding us - and let the words just settle into the ground from which they came.  We'll see.

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