Saturday, July 30, 2011


After our new visitors' center was built, a landscaping company came in and created green spaces around it that are an inspiration in themselves. A landscaped retention "pond", an assortment of boulders and rolling berms, azaleas (of course), iris, "bridal wreath", magnolias, and these lovely trees with feathery fronds of greenery. I'm going to guess that they are bald cypress, but I would have to confirm that, so don't give me trouble if I am wrong.

With my digital, but somewhat limited camera, I can capture the essence, but because the fronds are so lightweight, even the slightest breeze makes them quiver. Hence the parts in focus vs. the parts not in focus. Not to worry. They are just doing their job of cleaning up the air for us, and looking beautiful at the same time. And creating a good deal of shade, considering their small size.

Sometimes, I think "filtering" is one of the most difficult things we do. For the tree, I want to think that it is a fairly simple process - even though I'm sure a horticulturalist could show me how many things effect that process and how complicated it can be. But the process we go through in learning how to filter out what is important, and true, and what part of things to hold on to - it is truly a learned precess. We aren't born with it. And if it's learned then it is also taught. We would all do well to be careful what we teach about filtering.

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