Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rearranging...and cheese straws...

A few days ago, when asked what I planned to do over the weekend - one of those pleasant sort of non-committal questions we ask to make conversation - I replied that I thought I might take a day trip to Galveston just to sit on the beach, look out over the horizon and listen to the waves. It's about a 50 mile drive, so not too stressful...and a complete change of scene...and there are tasty shrimp to be found.

But then, I had forgotten that I had a date with the company that maintains my heater at home, so I needed to be there. I decided to rearrange the landscape of my bedroom instead. We are not talking about anything huge, just an addition of a small folding table, and a removal of clutter on the floor and accumulated boxes. My life in that room is about addressing my music, writing, crochet, reading, relaxing...generally re-creating myself when I can't get away to Galveston or elsewhere. The problem is that creative spaces tend to get cluttered, and then, start to drive you as crazy as the parts of your life over which you have no control.

So, I rearranged, reorganized, restructured, re-shuffled. And then I made faux food cheese straws for Yuletide - our next installation at work. Surely there is some kind of irony in that.

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