Monday, October 3, 2011

The road ahead...

It's sort of an inviting path, right? A little intriguing in this picture because you don't have the perspective of seeing what's on the other side, as you would if you were actually standing in that spot. I can assure you that there is much more green in this shot than there would be at this moment, the drought having sucked the life and color out of most everything. No matter how much irrigation you use, it's just not as good as the rain from above.

The hopeful part is that, for a couple of days last week, the temperatures have been lower - as in, in the 80s. Now I am perfectly aware that some people in our fair land have already had snow. I'm not comparing here, folks. I'm saying that I am ever so thankful to be on this side of the summer. Incredibly thankful.

Just when you think you can't take it for one more day, the perspective changes, the frame in the viewfinder morphs to include more clues to what lies ahead, and gives you a renewed energy to forge ahead. You can count the number of steps from here to there, and the goal seems more attainable. Even if you have to climb, you know to what height you are climbing and that makes a huge difference.

I love October.

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