Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello, 2012...

The sun is out, and cooler weather has blown into the city. New Year's Day has fallen on a Sunday, and I just listened to the sermon via the internet. In awhile, I will go to sit with my mother who was hospitalized yesterday.

Out in the world, there is a lot of loss and a lot of suffering going on. There is plenty about which to worry and be sad. But then, there is sunshine, and fresh air, shelter, food, a change of scene. And for some, another day off tomorrow for recovering from all that ails.

There are plans that have to be set aside for the new priority, and the goals set back to "simply existing" and surving the one day ahead of you.

A holding pattern...not necessarily where one wants to be on a day that has the promise of being our "rebirth" for the new year. It's ok. Time to forge ahead.

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