Saturday, July 21, 2012


This is what I should be doing right now, or at least, this is one of the most highly prioritized chores on my list, at the moment.  A stack of clothing lives on top of one of the dining room chairs - a stack of perfectly good, colorful, lightweight summer blouses, begging to be worn.  All they need is a bit of attention from an iron and some spray starch.  And yet, here I sit, in the throes of procrastination.
How to break the cycle?  Getting up is a good choice, so that's first.  Then, one must clear a spot to set up the ironing board.
I have chosen to use some of the counter space in the kitchen, but the counter must be cleared.  Done.  And while we're at it, why not neaten up in the kitchen - as in load the dishwasher, handwash a few pans, sweep, move things from here to there.  Constructive, and yet, are we ironing yet?  Um. No.  Still waiting for the pressing muse to take hold.

Same with "ironing" out so many other things we face every day.  I can imagine that each of us has an encyclopedia full of  ways to put off our less than favorite activities, or to delay that difficult conversation, or to exercise, or visit the doctor.

If only we could just get over it, and move on down the road. More than likely, we would sleep so much better at night. 

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